Znam odpowiedzi do poniższych testów (przed zakupem usługi należy sprawdzić czy dany kurs znajduje się na tej liście):
Na dole strony znajduje lista testów CES.
- CD0001 Personal Safety
- CD0002 Ship General Safety
- CD0004 SOPEP
- CD0005 ISM Code
- CD0006 OPA 90
- CD0007 Inert Gas Generator
- CD0008 Flue Gas Plant
- CD0009 Fuel Oil System
- CD0010 Marine fuel handling
- CD0012 Tanker operation I
- CD0013 Tanker operation ll
- CD0014 Vessel Struct. Cond.
- CD0015 Corrosion Protection I
- CD0016 Corrosion Protection ll
- CD0017 Steering Gear
- CD0018 Cooling Systems
- CD0019 Remote Ctrl. Sys. (AC4)
- CD0020 Search and Rescue
- CD0021 GMDSS
- CD0022 Maritime English, Ship Familiarisation
- CD0024 Operating Auxiliary Diesel Engines
- CD0026 Voyage Planning
- CD0027 Ballast Water Management
- CD0028 Protection and indemnity
- CD0029 Hull and Machinery
- CD0030 Marine Lubricants
- CD0031 Pusnes ETS
- CD0032 Cargo Properties
- CD0033 Stability
- CD0034 AC4, Digital Governor System
- CD0035 Inspections
- CD0036 Medical First Aid
- CD0040 Maritime English, Pilot on the Bridge
- CD0041 Generator
- CD0043 Bilge water separator
- CD0045 Container Lashings – Basic
- CD0046 Auxiliary boiler plant
- CD0047 Fuel Combustion Efficiency
- CD0048 Gas Measurement
- CD0049 Radar Observation and plotting
- CD0050 ARPA Theory
- CD0051 Introduction to Navigation
- CD0053 HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Basic
- CD0054 COW
- CD0055 ODME
- CD0056 Assessor Training
- CD0057 Doppler log
- CD0059 DGPS
- CD0060 Navigation in lce
- CD0061 Stability 2
- CD0063 Mooring
- CD0064 Electronic Chart Display
- CD0066 Basic Ship Handling
- CD0068 BC Code
- CD0069 Basic Refrigeration Theory
- CD0070 Food Handling
- CD0072 Basic Hydraulics
- CD0073 Crisis Management
- CD0074 Sultzer Medium Speed Diesel Engine
- CD0078 Pumps and Pumping Operations
- CD0082 Crowd Management
- CD0083 Automation
- CD0087 Personal Survival and Survival Craft
- CD0088 Human Relations
- CD0089 Medical Care
- CD0091 incinerators
- CD0092 Introduction to MARPOL
- CD0093 Wall Wash
- CD0094 Flexinert Gas Generator, Standard
- CD0095 English Language Test, Marlins
- CD0096 Cargo Compatibility
- CD0097 Ship Energy Efficiency
- CD0098 Fresh Water Generator
- CD0099 Low Temperature Insulation on Gas Carriers
- CD0101 IALA Buoyage
- CD0102 Safe Cargo Handling – FRAMO
- CD0103 INS – Integrated Navigation System
- CD0104 Use of Nitrogen (Chemical tanker)
- CD0109 AIS – Automatic Identification System
- CD0110 AC4 – SULZER – DENIS 1
- CD0111 Heavy Weather Damage – Container Vessel
- CD0112 Zero Damage
- CD0115 Security awareness
- CD0116 AC4 – MAN B and W
- CD0117 Integrated Survey Programme – ISP
- CD0118 Steering Gear, RAM type
- CD0121 Ship Security Officer Training System
- CD0122 ISO 14001 Environmental Management
- CD0123 Risk assessment and management
- CD0124 Greasing Mooring Winches and Windlasses
- CD0125 Hot work
- CD0127 Enclosed Space Entry
- CD0130 LRM – IHI GTC
- CD0131 LRM – MILLS -T|TAN-
- CD0132 LRM – SHIGI S2
- CD0139 Awareness of LRRS
- CD0142 Learning MS Word
- CD0143 Learning MS Power Point and Outlook
- CD0144 Learning MS Excel
- CD0145 SMCP – Distress Urgency and Safety
- CD0146 SMCP – Navigation and Cargo Handing
- CD0147 Maritime English, Introduction
- CD0149 Incident Investigation
- CD0150 Maritime English, Superintendent Inspection
- CD0151 HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced
- CD0152 Hatch Cover Maintenance – Bulk Carrier
- CD0155 Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees
- CD0156 Piracy and armed robbery 1
- CD0157 TMSA 3
- CD0158 Maritime English, Report Writing
- CD0160 Fire Fighting, Basic
- CD0161 Fire Fighting, Advanced
- CD0162 Separators, ALCAP Separation principles
- CD0163 Separators, The ALCAP system
- CD0164 Separators, ALCAP Fuel oil system
- CD0165 Separators, ALCAP Lube oil system
- CD0166 Separators, ALCAP Monitoring and control
- CD0167 Tanker Training System -Familiarisation
- CD0168 Gas Tanker Training System – Advanced
- CD0169 Oil Tanker Training System – Advanced
- CD0170 Chemical Tanker Training System – Advanced
- CD0172 International Collision Regulations
- CD0173 Introduction to computers
- CD0174 Learning MS Word 2003
- CD0175 Learning MS Excel 2003
- CD0176 Learning MS PowerPoint 2003
- CD0177 Learning MS Outlook 2003
- CD0178 Container Fires
- CD0179 Marine Fuel Properties ll
- CD0181 Ship to Ship Transfer Operations
- CD0183 Electrical safety
- CD0186 Vessel General Permit – VGP
- CD0187 Marine environmental awareness
- CD0190 H2S – Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness A
- CD0191 Maritime Labour Convention 2006,an Introduction
- CD0192 MLC 2006 Onboard Responsibilities I
- CD0193 MLC 2006 Shipowner’s Responsibilities
- CD0194 Lifestyle assessment and advice
- CD0195 Physical exercise and lifestyle coaching
- CD0196 Volatile Organic Compound
- CD0197 MLC 2006, Basic Introduction
- CD0211 ECDIS system and chart types
- CD0212 ECDIS display features
- CD0213 Passage planning with ECDIS
- CD0215 Voyage planning, Pre-departure
- CD0216 Voyage planning, The sea passage
- CD0217 Voyage planning, Pilotage and berthing
- CD0218 Oil Record Book, Part I
- CD0219 Oil Record Book, Part ll
- CD0220 Galley Operation 1, Workplace and equipment Safety
- CD0221 Galley Operations, Hygiene
- CD0222 Galley Operations, Food handling
- CD0223 Galley operations, Nutrition
- CD0224 Nutrition and well-being
- CD0225 Personal survival, Familiarisation
- CD0226 Personal survival, Survival craft
- CD0227 Personal survival, Rescue and abandoning ship
- CD0228 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Management of Fire-Fighting
- CD0229 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Hazards and tactics
- CD0230 High Voltage, Fundamentals
- CD0231 High Voltage, Ship’s electrical networks
- CD0232 High Voltage, Equipment and testing A
- CD0233 High Voltage, Management on Ships A
- CD0234 Electric Propulsion, Fundamentals
- CD0235 Electric Propulsion, Electrical
- CD0235 Electric Propulsion, Electrical machines
- CD0236 Electric Propulsion, Power electronics
- CD0237 Electric Propulsion, Systems for ships
- CD0240 Bunker Fraud
- CD0241 Development of Heavy Weather
- CD0242 Heavy Weather Navigation
- CD0245 Safe operation and maintenance of grinding wheels
- CD0246 Piracy and armed robbery II
- CD0247 Anchor Mooring Procedures
- CD0250 Conflict Management.
- CD0251 Culture.
- CD0252 Active Listening.
- CD0253 Corrective Feedback.
- CD0254 Meeting Management.
- CD0255 Question Techniques.
- CD0256 Team Leadership.
- CD0257 Stress Management
- CD0258 SEEMP
- CD0260 Behaviour Based Safety
- CD0261 Mentoring
- CD0263 Principles of assessment
- CD0264 Onboard assessment
- CD0265 Shore based assessment
- CD0271 Leadership, Communication for maritime leaders
- CD0272 Leadership, Maritime conventions
- CD0273 Leadership, Shipboard Personnel Management and Training
- CD0274 Leadership, Task and workload management
- CD0275 Leadership, Effective resource management
- CD0275.01 Leadership, Effective resource management, Part 1
- CD0275.02 Leadership, Effective resource management, Part 2
- CD0276 Leadership, Decision making techniques
- CD0277 Marine environmental awareness, Environmental challenges
- CD0278 Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping
- CD0280 Engineering operations in cold environments
- CD0281 Personal safety in cold environments
- CD0282 Hot work, Doing the job safely
- CD0283 Hot work, Management of hot work
- CD0285 Enclosed space entry, Awareness
- CD0286 Crane operations, Heavy lift
- CD0287 Inspection of mooring lines
- CD0288 Green Passport (Inventory of Hazardous Materials)
- CD0289 Learning MS Word 2007
- CD0290 Learning MS Excel 2007
- CD0291 Learning MS PowerPoint 2007
- CD0292 Learning MS Outlook 2007
- CD0297 Recovery of persons from the water
- CD0298 Use of Liferafts
- CD0299 SIRE inspections
- CD0300 Rigging and Slinging
- CD0301 Crane Operations
- CD0302 Permit to work
- CD0303 COLREGs, Lights, shapes and sound signals
- CD0304 COLREGs, Conduct of vessels
- CD0306 Incident investigation, Cause and effect
- CD0307 Incident investigation, Investigation techniques
- CD0310 Working at height
- CD0311 Vessel inspection and CMID
- CD0316 Anchor handling operation
- CD0317 Lifting and Slinging, Equipment and operation
- CD0318 Lifting and Slinging, Roles and responsibility
- CD0319 Periodic maintenance and inspection of lifting equipment
- CD0320 Personal safety for offshore vessels
- CD0329 Vessel inspection and OVID
- CD0330 GOMO awareness
- CD0334 Deck safety for supply vessels
- CD0335 Deck safety for anchor handlers
- CD0336 Back deck safety for seismic vessels
- CD0337 Fresh water management
- CD0338 Fresh water system sanitation
- CD0340 Introduction to bulk carriers
- CD0341 Liquefying cargoes
- CD0342 Common bulk cargoes
- CD0343 Preparation for loading bulk carriers
- CD0344 Loading bulk carriers
- CD0345 Hull structural strength
- CD0346 Personal safety and environmental protection
- CD0347 Bulk carriers, Trim and stability
- CD0348 Bulk carrier voyage
- CD0349 Bulk Carriers, Unloading
- CD0358 SOPEP, Your role
- CD0360 Crude oil tankers, Control of flow rates during loading
- CD0361 Crude oil tankers, Control of flow rates during discharge
- CD0362 Crude oil tankers, Crude oil washing planning
- CD0363 Crude oil tankers. Practical crude oil washing operations
- CD0364 Crude oil tankers, Practical crude oil
- CD0370 Mooring, Risk assessment and management
- CD0371 Mooring, Safe handling and good practice
- CD0378 Garbage and waste management
- CD0380 ISO 9001
- CD0385 Occupational health and safety management system
- CD0387 Enclosed space entry, Hazard awareness and preparations for entry
- CD0388 Enclosed space entry, The entry operation
- CD0389 Enclosed space entry, Emergencies and rescue
- CD0390 Harassment and bullying [See Questions]
- CD0391 Fatigue management
- CD0395 Gas carrier, Basic principles
- CD0396 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling systems, introduction
- CD0397 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling systems, advanced
- CD0398 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling equipment
- CD0400 Container ships, Introduction to Cargo Operations
- CD0403 Container ships – Securing cargo awareness
- CD0404 Container ships – Securing cargo arrangements
- CD0406 Container ships, Familiarity with reefer containers
- CD0407 Container ships, Care of reefer cargo
- CD0414 Fuel oil bunkering, Good bunkering practice
- CD0415 Fuel Oil Bunkering, Effective Practice
- CD0416 Fuel oil bunkering, Understanding test results
- CD0418 Bilge water Separator, Part 1
- CD0419 Bilge Water Separator, Part 2
- CD0420 Lockout Tag-out
- CD0421 Ballast Water Management, the BMW Convention
- CD0422 Ballast Water Management, BWM Systems
- CD0425 Gas measurement, A safe atmosphere
- CD0426 Gas measurement, Measuring instruments
- CD0427 Navigation in cold environments
- CD0428 Passage planning in cold environments
- CD0460 Engine room emergencies, Recovery from a blackout
- CD0481 Separators, S-type separator
- CD0482 Fixed Firefighting systems for engine rooms
- CD0483 Introduction to two-stroke diesel engines
- CD0484 Diesel engine diagnostics
- CD0485 Introduction to four-stroke diesel engines
- CD0500 Pilot ladders
- CD0501 Gangway security
- CD0502 Human behaviours, How did that happen?
- CD0510 Onboard paint maintenance, Inspection, planning and stock-keeping
- CD0511 Onboard paint maintenance, Health and safety
- CD0512 Onboard paint maintenance, Surface preparation
- CD0513 Onboard paint maintenance, Paint preparation and application
- CD0514 Onboard paint maintenance, Corrosion
- CD0515 Onboard paint maintenance, Paint technology and coating life-cycle
- CD0520 Elementary First aid, Principles of first aid
- CD0521 Elementary First aid, Assessing the casualty
- CD0522 Elementary First aid, Facilities and equipment
- CD0523 Elementary First aid, Causes of unconsciousness
- CD0524 Elementary First aid, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- CD0525 Elementary First aid, Automated external defibrillator
- CD0526 Elementary First aid, Bleeding and bandaging
- CD0527 Elementary First aid, Burns
- CD0528 Elementary First aid, Shock
- CD0529 Elementary First aid, Fractures and dislocations
- CD0530 Elementary First aid, Transporting a casualty
- CD0531 Elementary First aid, Spinal injuries
- CD0532 Elementary First aid, Electric shock
- CD0551 Slips, trips and falls
- CD0555 Workshop safety
- CD0556 Hand tools safety
- CD0570 Resilience, Positivity, perspective and confidence
- CD0571 Resilience, Adapting to change
- CD0572 Resilience, Connecting with others
- CD0573 Resilience, Wellbeing and purpose
- CD0574 Safety data sheets
- CD0576 Use of PPE
- CD0583 Oil spill response
- CD0584 Tank inspection, Ballast compartments
- CD0586 Fire-Fighting, Effective boundary cooling
- CD0587 SCBA, Effective control in an emergency
- CD0591 Effective fire drills
- CD0592 Effective lifeboat drills
- CD0593Effective security drills
- CD0594 Shin inspections
- CD0595 Inspection and maintenance of safety equipment
- CD0596 On board familiarisation, Introduction
- CD0597 Portable tanks, Carrying dangerous goods
- CD0598 Search techniques, Ships and stowaway searches
- CD0599 Search techniques, Personnel and baggage searches
- CD0600 CEMS – Crew Endurance Management System
- CD0601 Vapour Control Systems
- CD0602 Benzene Cargo Safety
- CD0604 Eye Injury Prevention
- CD0605 Workplace Ergonomics and Back Care
- CD0606 Hearing Conservation
- CD0608 Drug and Alcohol Policy and Testing
- CD0612 Respiratory Protection
- CD0630 Boiler furnace explosions
- CD0670 Separators, S-type maintenance part 1
- CD0671 Separators, P-type maintenance part 1
- CD0672 Separators, S-type and P-type maintenance part 2
- CD0673 Back to basics, Engine room rounds part one
- CD0674 Back to basics, Engine room rounds part two
- CD1510 MAERSK LINE ISO 14001
- CD1540 Cylinder Condition Evaluation Guidelines
- CD1543 WHR System, Output Maximisation
- CD1544 WHR System. Voyage Planning
- CD1555 MAERSK LINE Environmental Training, Advanced
- CD2402 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Management of fire-fighting
- CD2403 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Hazards and tactics
- CD2404 Personal survival, Familiarisation
- CD2405 Personal survival, Survival craft
- CD2406 Personal survival, Rescue and abandoning ship
- CD2520 Fuel oil bunkering, Good bunkering practice I
- CD2524 Safety data sheets
- CD2541 Effective Fire drills
- CD2543 Effective security drills
- CD2551 SOPEP, Your role
- CD4000 Seagull ECDIS Simulator
- CD4010 Maris ECDIS
- CD4011 Consilium ECDIS
- CD4012 Kelvin Hughes ECDIS
- CD4013 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS
- CD4015 SAM Electronics ECDIS CHARTPILOT 93×0/1100
- CD4016 SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum
- CD4017 SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 2, Basic and Platinum
- CD4019 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS, EC 8000A, 8100, 8500A, 8600
- CD4020 JRC ECDIS, models JAN-7201, 9201 and ‘S’ series
- CD4054 VettingAss1
- CD4055 VettingAss2
- CD4060 Social Media awareness
- CD4064 Cyber security, Awareness
- CD4090 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS
- CD407010 Transas ECDIS, Assessment
- CD407611 Sperry ECDIS, Assessment
- CD4101 Tank Cleaning 1, Introduction and Safety
- CD4102 Tank Cleaning 2, Principles of Tank Cleaning
- CD4103 Tank Cleaning 3, Planning of Tank Cleaning Operations
- CD4127 Ex7
- CD4150 Norwegian maritime rules and regulations
- CD7001 TOTS1A-Ship Handling and Characteristics
- CD7002 TOTS 1A-Pilotage
- CD7003 TOTS 1A-Mooring Equipment and Operations
- CD7004 TOTS 1A-Passage Planning and Navigation
- CD7005 TOTS 1A-Navigating in Restricted Visibility
- CD7006 TOTS 1A-Heavy Weather Navigation
- CD7007 TOTS 1A-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
- CD7008 TOTS 1A-Ship and Shore Interface
- CD7009 TOTS 1A-Ship to Ship Transfer
- CD7010 TOTS 1A-Helicopter Operations
- CD7011 TOTS 1A-Pollution Prevention and Environmental
- CD7012 TOTS 1A-General Tanker Section
- CD7013 TOTS 1A-The Flammability Diagram
- CD7014 TOTS 1A-Fixed and Portable Gas Detec. Systems
- CD7015 TOTS 1A-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere.
- CD7016 TOTS 1A-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
- CD7017 TOTS 1A-Cargo Information, Precautions..
- CD7020 TOTS 1B-Engine Room Operations – manoeuvring
- CD7021 TOTS 1B-Engine Room Operations- special circumst.
- CD7022 TOTS 1B-Watch keeping in the Engine Room
- CD7023 TOTS 1B-Operation, monitoring, machinery
- CD7024 TOTS 1B-Electrical, Electronic and Operations
- CD7025 TOTS 1B-Maintenance and Repair
- CD7026 TOTS 1B-Control of operations – Care of personnel
- CD7027 TOTS 1B-Management of the Engineering Department
- CD7028 TOTS 1B-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
- CD7029 TOTS 1B-Pollution Prevention and Environmental
- CD7030 TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section
- CD7031 TOTS 1B-The Flammability Diagram
- CD7032 TOTS 1B-Fixed and Portable Gas Detections Systems
- CD7033 TOTS 1B-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere.
- CD7034 TOTS 1B-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
- CD7035 TOTS 1B-Cargo Information, Precautions.
- CD7040 TOTS1C-Ship Handling and Characteristics
- CD7041 TOTS 1C-Pilotage
- CD7042 TOTS 1C-Mooring Equipment and Operations
- CD7043 TOTS 1C-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
- CD7044 TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation
- CD7045 TOTS 1C-Navigating in Restricted Visibility
- CD7046 TOTS 1C-Heavy Weather Navigation
- CD7047 TOTS 1C-General Tanker Section
- CD7048 TOTS 1C-The Flammability Diagram
- CD7049 TOTS 1C-Fixed and Portable Gas Detections Systems
- CD7050 TOTS 1C-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere..
- CD7051 TOTS 1C-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
- CD7052 TOTS 1C-Cargo Information, Precautions.
- CD7053 TOTS 1C-Engine room operations during manoeuvring
- CD7054 TOTS 1C-Watchkeeping in the Engine Room
- CD7055 TOTS 1C-Operation, monitoring, machinery
- CD7056 TOTS 1C-Maintenance and Repair
- CD7057 TOTS 1C-Control of Operations – Care of Persons
- CD7058 TOTS 1C-Management of the Engineering Department
- CD7059 TOTS 1C-Pollution and Environment Protection
- CD8524 8524
- CD8525 8525
- CD8527 Fall Protection
- CD8532 Ex basic refresher and assessment
- CD8533 Electrical installation in Ex-area
- CD8534 Electrical Exi installation
- CD8535 Cables, cable entry and IP-degree in Ex-area
- CD8536 Ex inspection and maintenance
- CD8537 Exi protection concepts (Exi a,b,c,nL)
- CD8538 Exi components in Ex zone and safe zone
- CD8539 Exi verification and documentation
- CD8540 Exi installation and inspection
- CD8562 Ex Basic, Ex theory and area classification
- CD8563 Ex Basic, Ex equipment
- CD8564 Ex Basic, Protection concepts
- CD8565 Ex Basic, Protection concepts Exi
- CD8566 Ex Basic, Ex protection in practice
- CD8567 Ex Basic, Assessment